Website Re-Launch!!!
So this is all very exciting!!!!!
Some of you may have been here before, if so, welcome back!
I took the website down about 6 months ago, as I wasn’t not able to give it the care and attention it deserved, but now it’s back and it’s better and I absolutely love it!!!
Due to a change of circumstances, I’m able to devote more time to the business and i’m kick starting it off with a website relaunch. I’m convinced Fait par Moi is my future. I love my products, people who buy them really seem to get a kick out of them too. It gives me such an amazing sense of achievement to create something the other people can enjoy. What I love about home furnishings and in particular lampshades, is that they are items we live with and see everyday. These beautiful products will hopefully lighten (excuse the pun………) up your homes for a long time to come.
It’s not going to be easy though, there’s a lot to do and much to consider. I’m going to record all the highs and lows on my blog and it’s my intention to post at least once every couple of days. You can come on my journey with me! I hope you will, as the community spirit and collaborative nature of crafting and creativity is one of the most exhilarating parts of the process. If you want to get in contact with me, all of my details on the Home page.
Until next time…..
Rachel xx